Best Post Workout Smoothies for Fitness Junkies

There is nothing more satisfying than having a delicious smoothie post-workout. Whether you complete a workout for 3-hours or just on a 20-minute routine, a smoothie is the best way to reward you after completing any exercise.

According to nutrition experts, doing exercise produces free radicals in our body, which is the cause of inflammation and too much of these free radicals can lead to oxidative damage. In order to prevent this, you can consume smoothies coupled with anti-inflammatory ingredients to help your muscles recover after a workout.

Orange Kale Protein Green Juice

This smoothie is best when you are doing a spin class which usually leads to a lot of sweating. Citrus fruits in this combination will help replace potassium and water which is lost during sweating. Orange and kale combined with spirulina is loaded with beta carotene, iron, fiber and vitamin C.

orange kale smoothie

Chocolate Brownie Protein Shake

The perfect ingredient in a smoothie after an endurance training like running is non-fat chocolate milk. The carbs in the milk has the ability to quickly replete glycogen while the protein stores help repair your muscles. Use real cocoa powder in this smoothie as well as vanilla and chocolate chips to add flavor. You can even add a frozen banana to this smoothie to help replenish your carbohydrate and potassium levels. If you are lactose intolerance, you can opt for homemade almond milk and nut milk with cacao powder.

chocolate brownie smoothie

Papaya Ginger Smoothie

This smoothie is best when your primary workout goal is to gain muscles as the combination allows muscle repair. You can opt for a Greek yogurt-based smoothie which has higher protein content. Yogurt also has calcium which aids in muscle contraction. Calcium is also needed in exercises like weight lifting for bone strength improvement.

If you are doing EMS training with a primary goal to strengthen your muscles, you can also try this smoothie.

papaya ginger smoothie

Pinepple-Papaya Chia Smoothie

This smoothie is perfect after doing yoga as stretching and breathing during the exercise already help reduce oxidative damages and inflammation in the body. This drink features lime juice, avocado oil as well as cucumbers for hydration. Fight free radicals too with the anti-inflammatory ingredients in this smoothie like chia seeds and ginger.

pineapple papaya smoothie

Banana-Oat Protein Smoothie

The pulsing as well as flexing during a Barre workout will let you get muscle fatigue. You can create a post-workout smoothie with fast-digesting carbs like banana coupled with a protein source like almond butter or peanut. A banana-oat protein smoothie will help provide a dose of protein and fiber for your body.

banana oat smoothie

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